
Air Conditioning Repair, repairman on the roof fixing huge air conditioning system. Model is actual electrician.

The Service Department at All Temperature Service is dedicated to providing excellent maintenance and repair services for our customers. We have 30 years of experience analyzing HVAC systems and offer a variety of options for any type of facility. Our goal is to provide options that deliver exceptional value!

The strength of our service department is our experienced HVAC technicians and front office staff. They have a long history of providing the following:

  • Unit evaluation – age, condition, system design review.
  • System optimization – Documentation of energy usage, upgrades for energy improvement.
  • Preventative maintenance programs – Scheduled inspections and reports to identify possible failures and options for repair.
  • Control system optimization – Identify the existing control system, provide options for energy saving options, identify control deficiencies.

ATS ensures that your facility receives the appropriate service at the scheduled time. Establishing a maintenance schedule helps us control operating costs and minimize unscheduled repairs.

Contact us to find out more about HVAC maintenance contracts and how they minimize down time, improve comfort, and reduce energy usage for your equipment.

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